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Taxation of Residential Vacation Rental Property

There is a lot of conversation at the Colorado State level surrounding taxation of vacation rentals. As of right now, three bills may be presented. First, HB22-1117 has been presented as an opportunity for county governments to introduce lodging taxes at a county level. These taxes would be dedicated to tourism marketing and workforce housing. […]

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Colorado Considers Commercial Tax for Residential Property

I would not have believed it if I didn’t hear it with my own ear.  The Colorado General Assembly considered taxing residential property as commercial if that residential property was held in an LLC or other entity.  This would result in about a 400% increase in property tax.  For now, the proposal did not make […]

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Taxation of Trust Capital Gains

Hold on to your hats because this is a tough subject.  If your estate plan involves irrevocable trusts, understanding how long-term capital gains are taxed inside the trust is important. In general, federal income taxation is segregated into three broad categories:  income, short-term capital gain, and long-term capital gain.  An example of income would be […]


One-Sided Contract Clauses

Most contracts never get reviewed by a lawyer before they are signed. Here are few contract clauses that catch my eye – and they should catch your eye, as well. Whether the clause is a favorable or unfavorable addition to the contract depends on each, individual situation.

Enforceability of Noncompete Agreements in a Global Marketplace

In this troubled economy, many Coloradoans are finding themselves out of a job. Finding a new job can become even more difficult if the former employee signed a valid, noncompete agreement.


So, You Think You Want to Arbitrate?

Contract Disputes, Arbitration, and Arbitration Clauses While arbitration clauses are often a good idea, sometimes an arbitration clause can work against recovery on the contract. Before including an arbitration clause in a contract, think about who will most likely be a plaintiff, who will most likely be a defendant and the amount of damages. Arbitration […]

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Residential Purchase Contract As-Is Addendums

Home buyer’s remorse used to mean having some misgivings about the house purchase price paid and the monthly mortgage payments.  Today, it can mean a lawsuit against the home seller.  Sometimes, those lawsuits can be for hundreds of thousands of dollars.  In most cases, insurance does not cover the loss or even the defense.  For […]

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Life Insurance, Suicide & the Two Year/One Year Rules

In Colorado, a life insurance company cannot use suicide to avoid payment of a death benefit if the suicide occurs more than one year after the life insurance policy is in force.

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The HOA Insurance Coverage Two-Step

When damage occurs in condominiums or townhomes, one of the main questions is whose insurance is left holding the bag. Does the homeowner’s insurance pay? Or does the Homeowners Association’s?  An Association’s responsibilities are laid out in their Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (“CC&Rs” or “Declaration”). However, when it comes to allocating insurance responsibilities between homeowners […]

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Regulating Short-term rentals in your Colorado Community

Short term rentals are defined generally as a rental that lasts for less than 30 consecutive days.  Airbnb and VRBO are just a few of the many companies who are trying to profit off homeowners renting empty rooms or empty homes to vacationers. While that may seem like an appealing way to make money for […]