Entries by admin


Avoiding Mineral Interest Expenses With An LLC

Mineral interests can become fragmented, difficult to trace, and expensive to transfer. Holding mineral interests in an LLC can solve all three problems. The phrase “mineral interest” is used broadly to describe rights to gas, oil, and other minerals at or below the surface of land. Mineral interests are further divided into royalty interests, working […]


The Problem with Pocket Deeds

A “pocket deed” is a nondelivered real estate deed executed by the current owner during their life where the current owner (the “grantor”) instructs the deed to be delivered to the beneficiary (the “grantee”) upon the current owner’s death or some other condition. The usual intent is to retain property ownership until death and to […]

Common Estate Planning Misunderstandings

Certain questions come up in almost every Colorado estate planning consultation. Below are a few clarifications based upon mistaken beliefs we see. These are general rules. There are exceptions to the general rules. A power of attorney terminates at death. It is a violation of Colorado law for an agent to use a power of […]

The Anne Heche Estate Planning Disaster

I went looking for 2022 celebrity deaths ending up mired in the probate courts. I only found one. Anne Heche. Shortly after her breakup with Ellen DeGeneres in 2000, Anne Heche started seeing Coleman Laffoon. Coleman and Heche married in September 2001, had a child named Homer Laffoon, separated in 2006, and divorced around 2007. […]

Colorado Eviscerates Noncompete Trade Secret Agreements

Colorado Eviscerates Non-Competition & Trade Secret Agreements Non-competition agreements have arguably been overused to the benefit of employers. HB22-1317 drastically changed Colorado’s law governing these agreements. The changes went into effect on August 9, 2022 and apply to agreements entered into or renewed after August 9, 2022. These changes affect Colorado employers and any business […]

Transfer or Trust in Estate Planning

Passing ownership of property and other assets from one generation to another requires planning. This is especially true in long held assets where the tax base for the asset is passed to the beneficiary and can result in substantial capital gains tax coming along as well. We’re prepared a short overview of how this can […]