Entries by admin

The Problem With NGOs

NGOs have been greatly abused by a relatively few. Sad because NGOs improve the lives of millions while the abusers grab the headlines. The solution, unfortunately, is more efficient oversight of NGOs. Until then, do your homework and ask the right questions. What is an NGO? NGO stands for non-governmental organization. One type of NGO […]


Insurance: Real Estate Held in Trust

Rumor is, some Los Angeles fire victims are having difficulty with their insurance when the home is held in trust. While I find this hard to believe, naming the trust as an insured or additional insured usually avoids the issue. Why Put Your Home In A Trust A personal residence (a “home”) is often held […]


Real Estate – LLC or Trust?

Should you hold your residential real estate in a trust or an LLC? Trusts may be emerging as the better option. Here is why. Background Regarding LLCs and Colorado Real Estate Over the last 20 years, LLCs became the preferred way to hold Colorado rental real estate because the LLC provided privacy and limited liability […]

Colorado Prenuptial Agreements

Colorado recognizes prenuptial and post-nuptial agreements. A spouse can waive virtually all rights except child support. The question is, should they? Prenuptial Agreement Contents Most prenuptial agreements start with both spouses waiving all rights to the other spouse’s property whether that property is acquired before or during the marriage. The spouses also waive any right […]

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Are HOA’s Exempt From the CTA?

By January 1, 2025 over 32 million small companies must report their beneficial owners to the Treasury Department. Failure to report creates substantial criminal and civil liabilities for the company and its beneficial owners. The question has arisen, do homeowner associations have to report under the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA)? The State of Colorado seems […]

Trust Funding With Real Estate

Perhaps the most common reason clients create a trust is to protect real estate from probate. How the trust is funded with real estate depends on the specific situation. How to Fund Your Trust with Real Estate Real estate can fund a trust either by being conveyed to the trust or by some version of […]

Understanding The Marital Trust

Nothing is more confusing to an estate planning client than the Marital Trust. To understand the Marital Trust requires stepping back in time. History of the Unlimited Marital Deduction   In 1976, my grandfather passed away suddenly. I can still see my grandmother’s tears and look of anguish as we approached the farmhouse door. Then […]

Moving Soon? Better Notify FinCEN!

Starting January 1, 2024, small corporations, LLCs, and similar entities are required to report beneficial ownership information to the Treasury’s Financial Crime Enforcement Network (FinCEN). The penalty for failure to file is up to two years in prison and $10,000. A beneficial owner is any individual who directly or indirectly exercises substantial control over the […]

Corporate Transparency Act Creates Trap For Unwary

Starting January 1, 2024, small corporations, LLCs, and similar entities are required to report beneficial ownership information to the Treasury’s Financial Crime Enforcement Network (FinCEN). The penalty for failure to file is up to two years in prison and $10,000. The deciding factor appears to be if the entity was created by filing a document […]